Activity 2(n)

Activity 2n: The market for new and used cars

  1. Some of the demand factors include changes in tastes and preferences (e.g. preferences away from using public transport); the price and availability of substitutes (e.g. the increased demand for second hand cars occurring because of higher new car prices and delays in orders being filled); extremely low interest rates (making it more affordable to finance the purchase of a new car via debt) and the Government stimulus payments during the pandemic which boosted household disposable income (making it more affordable to purchase a vehicle).
  2. Some of the Supply factors include the disruptions to global supply chains (e.g. parts from China becoming unavailable and the global chip shortage); the increased cost of shipping; the higher costs of crude oil (which is a input in production); and the depreciation of the Australian dollar (increasing the cost to import cars).



5. Since 2022, the price of used cars has fallen as there has been an increase in new cars on markets owing to the increased availability of a key input and an effective fall in the costs of producing new cars. This increased the availability of a substitute (new cars) for consumers, which resulted in a fall in the demand for, and price of, used cars.

6. Higher prices for petrol and diesel has a resulted in a lower relative of alternative/substitute fuel sources for non-internal combustion vehicles, such as electric cars.   This has resulted in an increased demand for electric vehicles and a corresponding increase in the allocation of resources to their production as electric vehicle manufacturers respond to higher demand, prices and profits.