Activity 5f: Classification exercise [Labour force]

Syd Dowen, a proud father of 7, has been desperately trying to find work and refuses to accept social security payments (e.g. unemployment benefits) = U
Bill Loni is a full-time student who is looking for a part-time job = N
Ima Hogg has been disciplined by his employer, Hungry Jack, for eating a few too many hamburgers during his shift. Their hours have been reduced from 40 per month to two hours per month = U (assuming they want to work more than 2 hours)
Anita Little is a 16 year old student who would like to leave school and get a job = N
Amanda Lynn was the music teacher at Ding Dong College before taking stress leave due to repeated issues with her partner Al Coholic = E
Horace Cope has decided to quit work and travel overseas with her best friend Chrystal Ball = N
Dinah Mite is currently on strike from the Victorian police bomb squad in search of better wages and conditions = E
Dick Tate is an English teacher at a private school who was promoted to the Commerce Faculty in search of greater prestige and the coolest faculty members = E
Gladys Canby won Tattslotto with her friend Jack Pott and has simply not turned up to work for 3 months. Her American boss, Doris Shutt, has laid her off = N
Joe King is a Melbourne comedian who has not had a gig for several months. He continues to seek gigs at local pubs in order to earn some money = U
Jim Naysium works at the Fitness Centre for 2 hours per week without pay in order to gain some experience. He would dearly love to work more hours and be paid = U